// ==UserScript== // @name Yt Classic // @namespace Yt Classic // @version 202104300557 // @author Snarl // @description Classic YouTube layout // @match https://www.youtube.com/watch* // @match http://www.youtube.com/watch* // @match https://www.youtube.com/channel/* // @match http://www.youtube.com/channel/* // @match https://www.youtube.com/user/* // @match http://www.youtube.com/user/* // @match https://www.youtube.com/c/* // @match http://www.youtube.com/c/* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // @icon https://yt3.ggpht.com/-afBnHVG_R6E/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/LtE5kbPkZvE/s27-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg // ==/UserScript== (function() { //'use strict'; var d = window.document, readyState = d.readyState, w; if (typeof unsafeWindow != 'undefined') { w = unsafeWindow } else w = window; w.classic_load_time = readyState; // earliest stage of loading the yt page if (d.lastChild && d.readyState == 'loading' && !(typeof ytspf != 'undefined' && ytspf.enabled == true) && typeof Proxy == 'function') { var s = d.createElement('script'), frame = d.createElement('iframe'), form = d.createElement('form') s.id = 'ytspf-id' var h = d.lastChild.firstChild; // HEAD element already exists //frame.src = '/yts/jsbin/player_ias-vfl5eNx6Z/en_US/base.js' frame.name = 'messageTxt' form.id = 'outputText' // code to define the ytspf object as it once used to be, before the new yt code has a chance to do it differently var code = "let ytspf = window.ytspf = {};ytspf.enabled = true;ytspf.config = {'reload-identifier': 'spfreload'};ytspf.config['request-headers'] = {'X-YouTube-Ad-Signals': {toString: function() {return (window['yt'] && yt['ads_'] && yt.ads_['signals_'] &&yt.ads_.signals_['getAdSignalsString']) ?yt.ads_.signals_.getAdSignalsString() :'';}},'X-YouTube-Identity-Token': null};ytspf.config['experimental-request-headers'] = ytspf.config['request-headers'];ytspf.config['cache-max'] = 50;ytspf.config['navigate-limit'] = 50;ytspf.config['navigate-lifetime'] = 64800000;" // then wrap the ytspf object with a proxy of the same name with a "set"-trap to deny the re-definition attempt by yt code = code + "ytspf = new Proxy(window.ytspf, { set(target, prop, val) { return false } }); let spf0 = {}; if (typeof spf == 'object') { spf0 = spf };"// else var spf = {};" if (typeof _yt_player == 'undefined') { code = code + "window.classic = window.classic || {}; var _yt_player = {};"+ "let polymer_ = '';"+ "(function() {"+ //important to do this ahead of other stuff //" document.lastChild.removeChild(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]);"+ " var z = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].children;"+ " for (var i=0;i < z.length; i++) {"+//console.log(z[i]); " if (z[i].tagName == 'SCRIPT') if (z[i].id != 'ytspf-id') { if (z[i].src) delete z[i].src; z[i].innerHTML = '' } else z[i].parentNode.removeChild(z[i])"+ " };"+ "})();"+ " function clone(obj) {"+ " var copy;"+ // Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined " if (null == obj || 'object' != typeof obj) return obj;"+ // Handle Date " if (obj instanceof Date) {"+ " copy = new Date();"+ " copy.setTime(obj.getTime());"+ " return copy;"+ " };"+ // Handle Array " if (obj instanceof Array) {"+ " copy = [];"+ " for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) {"+ " copy[i] = clone(obj[i]);"+ " };"+ " return copy;"+ " }"+ // Handle Object " if (obj instanceof Object) {"+ " copy = {};"+ " for (var attr in obj) {"+ " if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = clone(obj[attr]);"+ " };"+ " return copy"+ " };"+ //alert("Unable to copy obj! Its type isn't supported.") 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fcnm.substr(fcnm.length-2, 3) : null;"+ " var array = r.split('=function(a){a=a.split(\"\")');"+ " if (array == r) { var alt = 1; array = r.split('(a){a=a.split(\"\")') } else var alt = 0;"+ " if (array.length) for (i=0;i {"+ " mutations.forEach((mutation) => {"+ " var node = mutation.target; "+ " var a = document.getElementsByTagName('ytd-consent-bump-lightbox')[0]; if (a) { document.body.appendChild(a); href.disconnect() };"+ " if (node.tagName == 'A' && node.id == 'logo') { "+ " node.setAttribute('class', node.getAttribute('class').replace('yt-simple-endpoint',''));"+ " node.setAttribute('onclick','(function(){ var z = document.getElementsByTagName(\\'body\\'); if (z[1]) { z[0].style.display = \\'block\\'; z[1].style.display = \\'none\\' }; })(); return false;');"+ " href.disconnect();"+ " }; if (node.id == 'start') href.disconnect();"+ " })"+ " });"+ " href.observe(z, {"+ " childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, characterData: true"+ " });"+ " };"+ " z = z.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];"+ " if (z) {"+ " z.setAttribute('onclick','(function(){ var z = document.getElementsByTagName(\\'body\\'); if (z[1]) { z[0].style.display = \\'block\\'; z[1].style.display = \\'none\\' }; })(); return false;');"+ " }"+ " };"+ " function onload() {"+ " $waitUntil(function(){ if (typeof ytInitialData != 'undefined') return true }, function() {"+ " window.classic.convert(clone(ytInitialData));"+ " }, 300, 6000)"+ " };"+//onload " window.snarl4nav = false;"+ " var s = document.getElementById('yt-new-player'); if (s) { onload() } else"+ " try {"+ " var s = document.createElement('script'), t = (document.getElementById('frameholder') || document.body);"+ //" s.src = window.frames.messageTxt.location;"+ " s.id = 'yt-new-player'; window.classic.onload = onload;"+ " s.onload = onload;"+//$waitUntil(function(){ if (window.snarl4nav) return true }, function() { onload() },800,8000);"+//setTimeout(function(){},500) " s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(extText));"+ " t.appendChild(s);"+ " } catch (e) {alert(e);"+ " try {"+ " s.text = code; t.appendChild(s);"+ " } catch (e) {}"+ " };"+ //" try { window.frames.ytInit.location = location.href } catch(e){}"+ " };"+ "};"+ //"window.onload = script_copy;"+ // monitor elements newly being added to the document body by the YT engine, react when necessary and disconnect when ready "let body2 = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {"+ " mutations.forEach((mutation) => {"+ " if (!mutation.addedNodes) return;"+ " for (var i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++) {"+ " var node = mutation.addedNodes[i]; if (!node.parentNode) continue;"+ " var a = document.getElementById('player-api'), p = document.getElementById('movie_player');"+ " if (a && p && a != p.parentNode) { "+//a.insertBefore(p, a.firstChild); " body2.disconnect_('2');"+//try { p.destroy() } catch(e){ p.parentNode.removeChild(p); };"+ // " var b = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-prev-button')[1], c = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-next-button')[0];"+ // " if (b && c) t = document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-left-controls')[0]; if (t) {"+ // " t.insertBefore(b.nextSibling.nextSibling, c); t.insertBefore(b, c.previousSibling.previousSibling); t.removeChild(document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-next-button')[1]);"+ // " a.appendChild(p);"+ // " }"+// var z = document.getElementsByTagName('ytd-page-manager')[0]; if (z) { var y = document.createElement('ytd-watch'); z.appendChild(y); y.setAttribute('class','style-scope ytd-page-manager hide-skeleton'); y.setAttribute('video-id', z.firstElementChild.getAttribute('video_id')); y.setAttribute('js-panel-height_',''); y.setAttribute('player-touch-gestures',''); y.setAttribute('is-four-three-to-sixteen-nine-video',''); y.setAttribute('is-two-columns',''); y.setAttribute('large-window',''); y.setAttribute('role','main'); y.setAttribute('playlist',''); y.setAttribute('style','--ytd-watch-scrollbar-width:15px; --ytd-watch-panel-max-height:502px; --ytd-watch-chat-max-height:661px; --ytd-watch-width-ratio:1; --ytd-watch-height-ratio:0.75;'); if (z.getElementsByTagName('ytd-watch-flexy')[0]) z.removeChild(z.getElementsByTagName('ytd-watch-flexy')[0]) } };"+ " if (typeof node.className == 'string' && node.className.indexOf('html5-video-player') > -1) { try { a.insertBefore(node.parentNode.parentNode, a.firstChild); p.nextSibling.destroy() } catch(e){ if (p.nextSibling) p.parentNode.removeChild(p.nextSibling); }; body2.disconnect() };"+ " };"+ " if (!(typeof node.tagName == 'string' && node.tagName.indexOf('SCRIPT') > -1)) continue;"+ " var src = (typeof node.getAttribute == 'function' && node.getAttribute('src')) ? 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video_id.split('&')[0].split('/')[0] : null;"+ "function $waitUntil(check,onComplete,delay,timeout) {"+ " if (check()) {"+ " onComplete();"+ " return"+ " };"+ " if (!delay) delay=100;"+ " var timeoutPointer;"+ " var intervalPointer=setInterval(function () {"+ " if (!check()) return;"+ " clearInterval(intervalPointer);"+ " if (timeoutPointer) clearTimeout(timeoutPointer);"+ " if (typeof onComplete == 'function') onComplete();"+ " },delay);"+ " if (timeout) timeoutPointer=setTimeout(function () {"+ " clearInterval(intervalPointer)"+ " },timeout)"+ "};"+ "function script_load(t) {"+ " var tt = t;"+ " if (!t || (t && t.id == 'yt-classic-html')) try { t = document.getElementsByTagName('classic-body')[0].getElementsByTagName('body')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] } catch(err) { t = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] }; "+ " var cb = document.getElementsByTagName('classic-body')[0] || document.lastChild;"+ // invoke scripts in HEAD element "var a = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[document.getElementsByTagName('head').length-1].children;"+ //(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[1] || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]).children; "+ // inline-scripts first, then the rest "for(var j=0;j < 2; j++) {"+ " for(var i=0;i < a.length; i++) {"+ " if (a[i].tagName != 'SCRIPT' || a[i].id == 'ytspf-id')"+// ||"+ //" (a[i].tagName == 'SCRIPT' &&"+ //" (a[i].innerHTML && (a[i].innerHTML.toString().indexOf('ytcfg.set(\"EVENT_ID\"') > -1 ||"+ //" a[i].innerHTML.toString().indexOf('kutyagumi') > -1"+ //" )"+ //" || (a[i].src && (a[i].src.indexOf('/annotations_module.js') > -1 || a[i].src.indexOf('/endscreen.js') > -1 || a[i].src.indexOf('/remote.js') > -1))"+//a[i].src.indexOf('/base.js') > -1 || //" )))"+ " continue;"+ " var s = document.createElement('script'), sText = a[i].innerHTML; if (a[i].src) s.src = a[i].src; s.id = 'yt-classic'; "+//console.log(a[i]); // the base.js is an exception, needs extra steps " if (s.src && s.src.indexOf('/base.js') > -1 ) {"+//("onDompaused"))};" var z = prompt(a[i].src +' '+sText); if (z) "+ " if (!tt) continue;"+ " var dump = document.createElement('div'), frame = document.createElement('iframe'), form = document.createElement('form');"+ " frame.src = body2.base || a[i].src;"+ " frame.name = 'messageTxt';"+ " frame.onload = script_copy;"+ " form.id = 'outputText';"+ " dump.id = 'frameholder';"+ " dump.src = body2.base || a[i].src;"+ " var polymer_head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];"+ //" polymer_head.innerHTML = '';"+ " polymer_head.appendChild(dump); dump.appendChild(frame); dump.appendChild(form); "+ " form.innerHTML = '';"+ " continue;"+ " };"+ " if ((j==0 && sText) || (j==1 && s.src))"+ " try { s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sText)); cb.appendChild(s); } catch (e) { try { s.text = sText; cb.appendChild(s); } catch (e) {} }"+ " }"+ // invoke scripts in BODY element " var a = t.children; "+// document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].children; console.log(a); " for(var i=0;i < a.length; i++) {"+ " if (a[i].tagName != 'SCRIPT') continue;"+// || (a[i].tagName == 'SCRIPT' && typeof a[i].src == 'string' && (a[i].src.indexOf('/base.js') > -1)) " var s = document.createElement('script'), sText = a[i].innerHTML; if (a[i].src) { s.src = a[i].src }; s.id = 'yt-classic';"+//console.log(a[i]); " if ((j==0 && sText) || (j==1 && s.src))"+ " try { s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sText)); cb.appendChild(s); } catch (e) { try { s.text = sText; cb.appendChild(s); } catch (e) {} }"+ " };"+ "};"+ "var z = document.createElement('div'); z.id = 'spf-navigation-response'; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[document.getElementsByTagName('body').length-1].appendChild(z); z.setAttribute('hidden',''); z.setAttribute('style','display: none');"+ "};"+ "function classic_yt(ev) { polymer = Polymer; var t = ev || window.event, t = (t) ? t.target || t.srcElement : null;"+//document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].innerHTML = '';"+ " (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[1] || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]).innerHTML = classic.head;"+ " if (!t) t = ev; if (!t || (t && t.id == 'yt-classic-html')) try { t = document.getElementsByTagName('classic-body')[0].getElementsByTagName('body')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] } catch(err) { t = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] }; "+ " t.innerHTML = classic.body;"+ " t.setAttribute('dir','ltr'); t.setAttribute('id','body'); t.setAttribute('class','visibility-logging-enabled ltr gecko gecko-68 exp-kevlar-settings exp-mouseover-img exp-responsive exp-search-big-thumbs site-center-aligned site-as-giant-card sitewide-consent-visible appbar-hidden not-nirvana-dogfood flex-width-enabled flex-width-enabled-snap page-loaded'); t.setAttribute('data-spf-name','watch');"+//exp-invert-logo //" var s = document.createElement('script');s.id = 'yt-classic-player';s.src = '/yts/jsbin/player_ias-vfl5eNx6Z/en_US/base.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(s);"+ " script_load(t);"+ // url of base.js needs to be updated for correct video scaling in fullscreen mode " if (typeof _spf_state != 'undefined' && _spf_state['rsrc-s']) {"+ // ? 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